Suction Easy


Suctioning a patient is not a glamorous task, but in the presence of a blocked airway...
Undoubtedly, the ability to effectively clear the pharynx is one of the most critical of basic rescue skills. Suction-Easy is a simple, inexpensive solution to facilitate training and use for this aspect of airway management. It also provides you with the quickest, safest and most effective form of immediate oral suction. Suction-Easy is a must have in your first responder airway kit. Suction-Easy has a unique double-valved design that allows continuous operation with one hand, while the other hand directs the suction tip throughout your patient’s oropharynx. A consistent vacuum force is applied with each squeeze of the bulb and the material drawn into the bulb is expelled into an attached collection bag. You maintain excellent visibility throughout the procedure.

Brands: EM Innovations

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About Suction Easy

Fail Proof
Double Valve System
Convenient Storage

  • Instant Availability: There’s no need to worry about batteries or electricity. Suction Easy™ is available for immediate use. Just extend the suction tube and begin suctioning.
  • Powerful: Enough suction and calliper to rapidly and completely clear the upper airway.
  • Reliable: With Suction-Easy™, there’s no down time and no clean up.
  • Fits All Hand Sizes: Ease of grip and compression regardless of hand size or grip strength.
  • Adequate Fluid Capacity: Total fluid capacity is in excess of 1,000 cc. Enough to contain the entire excretion from the upper airway.
  • Safe: Contoured suction tip and controllable vacuum prevents tissue damage.
  • Easy, Safe Disposal: Just place in original package with exposed biohazard label. (The Suction-Easy™ system meets infection control requirements of containment, isolation and labelling.)
  • Small Design: 1/3 the size means minimal storage and carrying space requirements.
  • Lightweight: 1/3 the weight means minimal load added to bags and kits.
  • Less Cost: 1/3 the cost of other oral suction devices currently available to personnel.
  • Disposable: No canisters to clean or replace. Simply use and then discard.

Fail Proof

With Suction-Easy, a unique bulb design provides generation of consistent vacuum force, storage and protection of the large bore suction tube (9.5mm I.D.), a device easy to grasp and compress (regardless of hand size or grip strength), and most importantly, a device so compact, effective and affordable that no critical airway management event should fail due to fluids in the oropharynx.

A double valved system promotes continuous operation with one hand, while the other hand directs the suction tip inside the patient’s mouth. Material drawn into the bulb is expelled into a sealed collection bag. Total fluid capacity of the Suction-Easy system (bulb & bag), is in excess of 1,000cc. A 2-part label, on the resealable bag containing each new Suction-Easy, completes the system. The used Suction-Easy is placed back in its original package and secured with the pressure seal. The user peels off the top layer of the package label to reveal the international bio-hazard symbol. Infection control requirements of containment, isolation, and labelling are met in one simple step.

Double Valve System

The Suction-Easy device is not a turkey baster; rapid shallow compressions of the pump provide quick large volume removal of oral contents even for the rescuers with small hands. There are two (2) flap valves in the system. The first is at the end of the large bore suction tube inside the bulb. The second is attached to the outlet port and is visible inside the collection bag. The Suction-Easy bulb is designed to provide a vacuum force of approximately 100mm Hg. generated by the “rebound” of the bulb after each squeeze. The force of the operator’s grip does not affect suction pressure. (Gentler pressures can be achieved by shallow compressions of the vacuum bulb). Expulsion of contents from the bulb to the collection bag however, will directly reflect the force of each squeeze. The total capacity of Suction-Easy (vacuum bulb and collection bag) is well over 1,000cc’s. This volume can be moved quickly with rapid shallow compressions of the pump.

Convenient Storage

A large portion of the suction tube is stored inside the vacuum bulb. The tube must be pulled out to its full length for proper operation of Suction-Easy. A positive stop/lock is felt when the tube is fully extended. The purpose of this feature is twofold. First, there is a very real risk of the suction tubing taking on a “cold set” if stored in one position for an extended period. We are well aware that if Suction-Easy becomes a standard component of first-in bags or kits, it will be jammed in along with many other essential items. Should the tubing become kinked, serious compromise to air and material flow may result, even to the extent of complete obstruction. Secondly, suction is of vital importance but used infrequently; for that reason, the device must be as compact as possible so as not to take precious space from more routinely used items. Suction-Easy’s size offers the possibility of carrying it on one’s person, in turnout gear pockets, jumpsuits, and the like.

The Suction Easy is ideal for use in various applications such as prehospital care, wilderness rescue, military medics, tactical medics, emergency crash carts and can be easily stored in a wall box for emergency suction in hospitals, clinics, surgery centres and physician offices.

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