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The Pylant Monitor is a disposable, single patient use endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff pressure manometer. ETT cuff manometers are used to indicate the pressure within the ETT cuff to prevent inadvertent over or under inflation of the ETT cuff. The practitioner or institutional guidelines determine the exact inflation pressure used. Literature on ETT cuff pressures suggest that pressures between 20 cm H20 and 30 cm H20 are preferred to prevent under and over inflation. The Pylant Monitor is MRI compatible.

The device is designed to be used in any patient environment where an endotracheal tube or tracheotomy tube is inserted or maintained. The Pylant Monitor is the only disposable, single used device on the market for measuring ETT and trach tube cuff pressures. We monitor BP, intracranial pressures, abdominal pressures, PCWP, CVP, and ETT cuff pressure.


  • Inflate and monitor ETT cuff pressures during anesthesia
  • Optimise airway management and tracheal wall protection
  • Rx only, single patient use, latex free
  • MRI compatible
  • No cross contamination
  • Readily available at the bedside
  • Reliable and accurate

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